Page 174 - Praxair Productivity Catalog
P. 174


              Compact 2-Door Work Cells

               ProStar PRSAL20 Angle Loader

                                                                                          TWO FIXED

                                                                                         LOADS FROM
                                                                                         EITHER SIDE

              The PRSAL20 two-door angle loader features two fi xed   ProStar PRSFL Front Loader
              tables guarded by telescoping, pneumatic doors to
              provide lower loading height and smaller cell footprint.
                                                                                                    SINGLE AXIS
               CELL FOOTPRINT         PRSAL20         PRSFL                                      MANUAL INDEXING
               LENGTH               102 in. (2.59 m)  113 in. (2.87 m)
               WIDTH                 92 in. (2.34 m)  66 in. (1.68 m)
               HEIGHT                83 in. (2.1 m)  90 in. (2.29 m)
               TABLE DIMENSIONS
               LENGTH                24 in. (.61m)  39.5 in. (1 m) or
                                                    23 in. (.58 m)
               WIDTH                 29 in. (.74 m)  16 in. (.4 m) or
                                                    19 in. (.48 m)
               TABLE LOAD HEIGHT    33.5 in. (.85 m)  30 in. (.76 m)
                                                                                             The PRSFL manual front
                STANDARD FEATURES                                                            loader features two fi xed
                                                                                             tables separated by a 180°
                 Two work stations                                                          manually indexing wall that
                 Telescoping pneumatic load-doors                                           protects the operator from
                 Robot fl exible (≤ 1600 mm reach)                                           potentially harmful sparks
                 Ergonomic loading height                                                   and UV radiation. Physical
                 Modular/Adjustable work tables                                             circular boundary ensures
                 Side cell entry for maintenance                                            that the operator cannot
                                                                                             stand in its path.
                 Fully integrated power and control
                 Single skid and body
                                                                                             Custom Fixturing Available

              D14                                 1-800-225-8247
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