Page 164 - Praxair Productivity Catalog
P. 164
PerformArc Robotic Welding Cells
PerformArc 1100SS & 2200SS Robotic Welding Cell
Custom Fixturing Available
PRS1100SS shown with optional equipment.
PerformArc robotic welding systems make adding an automated weld cell to your operation quick and simple. You don’t
need previous automation experience to get started — and once a PerformArc system is up and running, Praxair welding
and service specialists are available 24 hours a day to help keep it that way.
Extremely High Productivity Manufacturing Flexibility For ever-changing production
needs, the large rotation diameter
Station indexing time is eliminated, Our pre-engineered system is
allowing the robot to immediately pre-wired and pre-assembled with and heavy payload capacity
begin welding on station B when a fully-welded frame. It’s shipped allow low-, mid- and high-
station A is complete, gaining to you in three sections for quick volumes to be welded in single,
effi ciencies and maximizing valuable assembly and connection. multiple or progressive fi xtures.
time. The PRS1100SS features an open Single- or dual-sided operation
A second robot can be added, side wall for easy changeover of minimize interruptions and maximize
doubling throughput without holding fi xtures or weldments by throughput by allowing fi xtures or
requiring additional fl oor space. crane or forklift. parts to be changed while welding
is occuring on the opposite side.
Standard load station jog provides
complete load position fl exibility,
allowing multi-stage loading or
tackand fi nish welding to occur in a
common welding fi xture.
D4 1-800-225-8247