Page 15 - Praxair - Specialty Gases and Equipment Solutions
P. 15

Liquid Helium Containers

            High Performance
            Liquid Helium Dewars
            Praxair dewars make handling liquid
            helium easier because they have
            several features developed and
            patented specifically for this special
            ■  Multi-layer insulation to reduce
               evaporation losses.
            ■  Cooled shields to simplify your
               operation and help reduce costs.
     Section A – Cylinders and Containers
               Escaping helium vapor is used to
               cool the system, avoiding the need
               for cooling with nitrogen  and the
               subsequent cost and potentially      LT-100               LT-250                  LT-500
               harmful release in an enclosed area.
            ■  Light weight for easier lifting
               and moving.                                                LT-60    LT-100    LT-250   LT-500
            ■  Rugged, all-welded construction    Capacity (liters max)   60       100       250      500
               for increased performance life of    Diameter (in/cm)      24/61    24/61     32/81.3  42/106.7
               the multi-layer insulation and    Height (in/cm)           51/127.3  59/147.9  67/171.1  70/179.3
               shield system.                 Tare Weight (lb/kg)         165/75   200/91    335/152   540/245
            ■  Large-diameter neck tubes to    Neck Diameter (in/cm)      1.45/3.7   1.45/3.7   2.4/6.1   2.9/7.4
               allow for better structural integrity     NER (Static loss max. per day)    1.75%   1.25%   1%    .75%
               and for larger-sized liquid helium
               withdrawal apparatus.
            ■  Non-magnetic dewars available for
               use with Magnetic Resonance                                           Pressure Gauge
               Imaging (MRI) units.
                                                                                     Withdrawal/Fill Ball Valve
            ■  Absolute relief valve to extend use
               of dewars to airborne as well as                                      Vent/Pressurization Valve
               surface shipments.                                                    Multilayer Superinsulation
            ■  Complete Society of Automotive
               Engineers (SAE) range of dewars
               available to meet all known liquid
               helium volume needs.
                                                                                     Vapor Cooled Shields

                                                                                     Liquid Helium Reservoir
                                                                                     Vacuum Jacket

                                                                                     LT-250 Liquid Helium
                                                                                     Dewar Details

            A•14                              1-877-PRAXAIR           
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