Page 64 - Medical Gases and Equipment Catalog
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Medical Gases and Equipment Catalog

Environmental Monitoring Services

Praxair Healthcare Services offers you a full line of testing services  Here are seven good reasons why you should call Praxair
to help you measure, monitor, and control employee exposure to          Healthcare Services to help you measure, monitor, and
hazardous vapors and indoor air quality throughout your facility        control employee exposure to hazardous vapors:
– ensuring compliance with OSHA, The Joint Commission, DHHS,
CAP, NIOSH, and ACGIH regulations.                                      •	 In house expertise in compressed gases.
                                                                        •	 Safety station inspections.
On-site monitoring for hazardous chemical vapors including:             •	 On call for analysis outside of normal business hours.
•	 Nitrous oxide and halogenated agents in anesthetizing areas.         •	 Available twenty-four hour turnaround.
•	 Ethylene oxide and glutaraldehyde in the central sterile de-         •	 Gas chromatography using remote sampling to identify a

   partment and other points of use.                                       wider range of potential contaminants.
•	 Formaldehyde, xylene, toluene, and other OSHA Z Table
                                                                        •	 Instrument calibration gases are NIST traceable.
   chemicals in the laboratory area.                                    •	 We aim to provide accurate, consistent, reliable results...

Our surveys measure Time Weighted Average, Short-Term Expo-                every time.
sure Levels, and Peak Exposure Levels. We also supply dosim-
eters, capable of detecting over 100 OSHA-regulated chemicals,          For more information or a needs assessment and cost estimate,
for monitoring between inspections. Our assessment provides             call us at:
information on safe levels in accordance with OSHA require-
ments, and documentation required for The Joint Commission              Northeast Division     Southeast Division
surveys.We assist you on corrective action required, and offer          55 Old Ridgebury Road  2807 Gresham Lake Road
suggestions on how to reduce employee exposure to hazardous             Danbury                Raleigh
vapors in the workplace.                                                CT 06810               NC 27615

Indoor Air Quality including Sick Building Syndrome:                    Phone: 800-431-2460    Phone: 888-863-0500
On-site audits for all areas where indoor air quality is likely to be            914-666-2990            919-431-1352
suspect for pollutants such as:
•	 Moisture and bacteria.                                               Fax: 914-666-9103      Fax: 919-431-8998
•	 Volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds.              
•	 Carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide.
•	 Formaldehyde.

Our technicians are familiar with OSHA and NIOSH standards. If
there is a problem, they can pinpoint its source, offer solutions,
and suggest corrective measures.

Isolation room testing:
•	 Negative/positive pressure testing
•	 Isolation room flow rates are tested and documented in ac-

   cordance with the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the
   Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) recom-
   mendations. Praxair keeps written record of every inspection
   for 30 years as required by OSHA.

Praxair, the Flowing Airstream design, Medipure and Grab ’n Go are trademarks or registered trademarks of Praxair Technology, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries.
Other trademarks used herein are property of their respective owners. The information contained herein is offered for use by technically qualified personnel at their discretion
and risk without warranty of any kind. © Copyright 2014, Praxair Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Praxair Inc., Danbury, CT 06810-5113
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