One essential component to building a high-performance weld cell and achieving maximum quality and productivity is optimizing wire delivery. With Linde's ProStar™ 24/7 wire feed system, welders can minimize cell downtime and optimize production with the continuous delivery of welding wire to the robotic cell.
Robotic MIG welding
can provide productivity gains for manufacturers. The consistency and accuracy gained by robotic welding for repeatable tasks can lead to improved throughput, product quality and higher profit margins. However, these benefits can be lost if robots
are not welding as efficiently as possible.
One essential component to building a high-performance weld cell and achieving maximum quality and productivity is optimizing wire delivery. With Linde’s ProStar™ 24/7 wire feed system,
welders can minimize cell downtime and optimize production with the continuous delivery of welding wire to the robotic cell.
The 24/7 equipment includes an automatic switchover device, and end-joining equipment. Coupled with our exclusive, practically maintenance-free conduit, this system provides twist-free, low drag 24/7 wire delivery to your
The ProStar 24/7 Welding Wire System Helps You:
- Increase productivity
<font ",=" " size="-1"> – Eliminate wire pack changeover downtime and repairs caused by out-of-wire interruptions.
- <font ",=" " size="-1">Improve profitability
– Enables greater utilization of robots and automatic setups.
- Maximize savings
– Particularly useful and convenient for multiple robot operations. Helps eliminate wire waste.
- Gain key floor space
– Wire PAC can be located up to 150 feet from the robotic welding cell, out of your production area with use of any one of our advanced wire conduit systems.
System Components
Linde’s 24/7 wire feed system improves the productivity of your robotic MIG welding cells. Each ”wire farm” consists of two 1,200-pound drums of ProStar twist-free welding wire with 24/7 flat dome, the 24/7 system swing
arm and stand, RW 24/7 butt welder, and 24/7 die.
- 24/7 Butt Welder: Joins mild steel wires of two drums. Works for multiple wire diameters. Simple operation ensures ease of use for those responsible for installing bulk wire at the robot.
- 24/7 Die Set: With shaving plates available for many wire diameters, the 24/7 die set ensures a consistent diameter across the welded seams when drums are joined together by removing the resultant flash and any burrs created by the resistance
welding process.
- 24/7 Swing Arm: Prior to the first drum being spent, its wire end is welded to wire start in the full drum. As the wire source transitions from drum to drum, the swing arm simultaneously rotates to supply wire from the full drum as guided by
the 24/7 flat dome.
Contact your local Linde representative today or call us at 1-800 225-8247 to find out how Linde’s 24/7 wire feed system can help your automated welding operation meet the demand for fast, high-quality welds.