Gas for MIG Welding | Linde Gas & Equipment

Carbon Steel

MetalGaugeMode of Metal TransferRecommended GasComments
Carbon SteelUp to 1/8"Short ArcStarGold C-25
MIG Mix Gold
Good penetration/gap bridging ability
Carbon SteelUp to 1/8"Pulsed SprayStarGold C-5
Stargon CS
Higher deposition rates without burnthrough; minimum spatter; good puddle control out-of-position
Carbon SteelOver 1/8"Short ArcStarGold C-25
MIG Mix Gold
High welding speeds, good penetration and puddle control; applicable for out of position welds
Carbon SteelOver 1/8"Short Arc and Globular Arc (Buried Arc)CO2Deep penetration and fast travel speeds but with higher burnthrough potential and more spatter; high current mechanized welding
Carbon SteelOver 1/8"Spray ArcMIG Mix Gold
StarGold C-10
StarGold C-15
StarGold O-5
Good arc stability; produces a more fluid puddle as O2 equivalent increases; good coalescence and bead contour; good weld appearance puddle control, low spatter
Carbon SteelOver 1/8"Short Circuiting and Spray TransferStarGold C-15
Stargon CS
MIG Mix Gold
Applicable to both short circuiting and spray transfer modes; has wide welding current range and good arc performance; weld puddle has good control which results in improved weld contour
Carbon SteelOver 1/8"Pulsed SprayStarGold C-5
Stargon CS
Used for both light gauge and out of position weldments; achieves good pulsed spray stability over a wide range of arc characteristics and deposition ranges

Coated Steels

MetalGaugeMode of Metal TransferRecommended GasComments
Coated SteelsAllShort, Spray and PulsedHeliStar GV
  • Lower welding fume than FCAW
  • Good bead shape
  • Low spatter
  • Controlled penetration
  • Low porosity
  • Higher productivity

Stainless Steel

MetalGaugeMode of Metal TransferRecommended GasComments
Stainless SteelUp to 1/16"Short Circuiting Stargon SS
StarGold C-2
Good control of burnthrough and distortion; used also for spray arc welding; puddle fluidity sometimes sluggish, depending on the base alloy
Stainless Steel Over 1/16"Short Circuiting TransferHeliStar A-1025
Stargon SS
HeliStar SS
Low CO2 percentages in each mix minimize carbon pick up, which can cause intergranular corrosion with some alloys; helium improves wetting action; applicable for all position welding
Stainless Steel Over 1/16"Spray Arc HeliStar SS
Stargon SS
StarGold 0-1
Good arc stability; produces a more fluid but controllable weld puddle; good coalescence and bead contour; minimizes undercutting on heavier thickness
Stainless Steel Over 1/16"Pulsed Spray HeliStar SS
Stargon SS
StarGold 0-1
Used for both light gauge and heavy out-of-position weldments; achieves good pulsed spray stability over a wide range of arc characteristics and deposition ranges


MetalGaugeMode of Metal TransferRecommended GasComments
AluminumUp to 1/2"Spray Arc ArgonBest metal transfer, arc stability, and plate cleaning; little or no spatter; removes oxides when used with DCEP (Reverse Polarity)
AluminumUp to 1/2"Spray Arc HeliStar A-25High heat input; improves puddle fluidity; flat bead contour and deep penetration; minimizes porosity
AluminumOver 1/2"Spray Arc HeliStar A-25
HeliStar A-50
High heat input; good for mechanized welding and overhead; applicable to heavy section welding
AluminumOver 1/2"Pulsed Spray ArgonGood wetting; good puddle control

Nickel and Copper Nickel Alloys

Nickel and Copper/Nickel AlloysUp to 1/8"Short CircuitingHeliStar SS
StarGold 0-1
Good arc stability; weld puddle control and wetting
Nickel and Copper/Nickel AlloysOver 1/8"Short CircuitingHeliStar SS
HeliStar A-1025
Higher heat input of helium mixtures offsets high heat conductivity of heavier gauges; good wetting and bead contour; can be used for out of position welding
Nickel and Copper/Nickel AlloysOver 1/8"Pulsed Spray HeliStar SS
HeliStar A-75
Used for both light and heavy gauge out of position weldments; achieves good pulsed spray stability over a wide range of arc characteristics and deposition ranges