> AWS: A5.18: E70C-6M-H4
> Metal Cored Wire
> Balanced arc characteristics
> Best in Class weldability (including mill scale)
> Reduces post-weld cleaning & rework
> Market leading silicon control technology
> Excellent deposition rates and low tempt impact properties
> Low heat input & improved gap-bridging
Hobart wires can help eliminate or minimize non-value-added arc-off such as:
> Pre-weld base metal preparation (ex. grinding)
> Pre-weld correction of joint fit-up (ex. clamping, retacking, etc.)
> Post-weld weld bead cleaning
> Pre-weld rework due to burn-through, distortion, or poor bead profile/contour
> I 'm struggling to increase productivity and consistently get more parts out the door.
> I'm struggling with poor weld quality and/or appearance.
> My rework rates are high.
> My welds are long - over 6 inches.
> I use flat or horizontal fillet welds.
> My previous attempts to increase productivity have led to other challenges (defect rate increases and/or part repeatability).
> I have a high rework/repair %.
> Enhanced weldability
> Higher achievable travel speeds
> Improved high deposition rate performance